presented by CKUW and UMFM, the 2012 and 5th annual BookFair would like to acknowledge the support of Arbeiter Ring Publishing, Fernwood Publishing, Kustom Kulture, and the Albert St. Autonomous Zone Co-op!
wanted: PHOTOS! if you can email photos taken at the 2012 bookfair please send them to ac.tsisernull@retsgnuoy
Friday evening Sept 21, 7:30pm “Books that Rocked My World” thanks to the panel co-hosted by Karen of CKUW’s “Mud & Water” and Dave of UMFM’s “Red Waters” and the audience members who participated. here’s the list:
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Wump World by Bill Peet
Debunking 9/11 Myths edited by James Meigs
The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandar Solzhenitsyn
The Selling of the President by Joe McGinnis
The Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg
All the President’s Men by Woodward & Bernstein
Buffet World by Donato Mancini
Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Decolonizing the Mind by Ngugi wa Thiong’o
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
The One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
In Search of April Raintree by Beatrice Culleton Mosionier
The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi
Anarchism & Other Essays by Emma Goldman
Valis by Philip K. Dick
Race, Space and the Law by Sherene Razack
Home by Toni Morrison
An Unauthorized History of the RCMP by Browne & Brown
The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams
On the Justice of Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill
Heat by George Monbiot
Anishinabe Syndicated by Jim Northrup
Walking the Rez Road by Jim Northrup
What We All Long For by Dionne Brand
Reasoning Otherwise by Ian McKay
Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
The Art of Not Being Governed by James Scott
Black Flame by Van derWalt & Schmidt
History of Civilization by Will Durant
Caliban & the Witch by Silvia Federici
Desire for Development by Barbar Heron
Under Three Flags by Benedict Anderson
The Many-Headed Hydra by Rediker & Linebaugh
Ritual America by Heimbichner & Parfrey
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Turning the Tide by Noam Chomsky
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Daniel Pirsig
Mishomis by Edward Benton-Banai
Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg
Killing Hope by William Blum
Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley
A Peoples’ History of the United States by Howard Zinn
Earth Elder by Alexander Wolfe
Government is Violence by Leo Tolstoy
Surface Detail by Iain Banks
the Trotsky Trilogy by Isaac Deutcher
Racialized Policing by Elizabeth Comack
Indigena Awry by Marie Annharte Baker
Nationalism & Culture by Rudolf Rocker

photo by Kat!
Saturday Sept 22, 11am – 5pm – We took the street! Exhibitors included: AKPress, Briarpatch Magazine, Canadian Dimension magazine, Communist Party of Manitoba, Dark Parlour Magazine, Fernwood Publishing, Flatlander Soap Co., Flora and Farmer, Geez Magazine, the Industrial Workers of the World, Junto Local 91 Radical Lending Library, Kustom Kulture, Molly Mew Productions, Mondragon, Of Course You Can! Distro, Organic Planet, Prairie Struggle Organization, Romulus + Remus, The Night Nurses, Turning the Tide bookstore, Winnipeg New Socialists and War on Music.

photo by Kat!
Saturday workshops: 11 am– “Organizing community gardens”, with Rod – thanks to Rod for offering to do this and our apologies that no one came to participate! lesson learned: no more workshops before noon! “Building solidarity against bosses & landlords”, with Ste-Ste. thanks Ste-Ste!! 1 pm – “Anarchy and Education”, with Heather and Pat. Good turnout! 3 pm – screening of “Our Common Roots” – a film by Glenn Axford in which Chad Cornell of Hollow Reed Holistic shares the therapeutic and energetic qualities of medicinal plants of the forest, field and garden. “Activist Burnout Discussion Circle” with FemRev & Copwatch. Good turnout.
the World Car-Free Day Saturday afternoon Streetfest on Albert Street between the A-Zone and Bannatyne Ave. with the support of Urban Forest and Bodegoes, this event was a giant hit, with music by Süss and friends at 12:30, a presentation by Steve Langston about his Sept 1-17 bicycle tour of Manitoba eating local and freshly harvested foods at 1:30, Billy Cromb at 2:30, and John K. Samson
thanks to Paolo of Urban Eatin’ who built a planter out of pallets all afternoon. it can be seen on the sidewalk across from the A-Zone and it needs someone to fill it with soil and plant some seeds! thanks to Sean for his amazing BIG games of Scrabble and Jenga which we enjoyed. THE STREETFEST WAS A WONDERFUL SUCCESS!!

photo by Kat!
Saturday evening, Sept 22, 5pm in the Urban Forest cafe at 93 Albert St, Jerome Raza talked about the Quebec student movement and combative unionism. Sunday Sept 23, 11am Mondragon Community Brunch sold out!
Sunday BookFair Tables continued Noon-4pm On the street again!!!! -great fun! Sunday workshops: Noon – “hungover Yoga”, with Nikki had to be cancelled because again, no one came… But “intro to circuits” with Graham had fun.
Sunday afternoon Sept 23, 2pm talk by guest author Nik Barry-Shaw about his recent book Paved With Good Intentions: Canada’s NGOs from Idealism to Imperialism, in Mondragon, was very good.